It's been a while! I feel bad that I haven't been posting lately. This past weekend was another quiet one with my summer family. On Sunday I hung out at Barnes & Noble and worked on my Ulvis Alberts article. On Monday I didn't have very many assignments to work one. The only thing I had to do was work on an article about volunteering in Kitsap County and looking at the different departments in the county that had volunteers working for them. I planned to pick it up again on Tuesday, but when I got to the office my editor had a different assignment for me to work on. She sent me to scope out a music video shoot that was taking place at Skateland. A director from the area, who is now based in LA, decided to film the video where he spent his childhood skating. Even know I knew nothing about the singer, who is popular in the UK, but from Tennessee, watching the process was very cool. The photographer and I spent most of the afternoon watching the filming and talking to anyone that would answer our questions. When we got back I wrote the article and put the video together while he made the photo gallery. Today I was given 4 more assignments. The first one I worked on was about the Whaling Days festival that will be going on this weekend. The next article will be about letterboxing, which is similar to geocaching but doesn't require a GPS. Instead, you follow cryptic clues to find the container that holds a notepad and a stamp. Each person is supposed to have their own "signature stamp" and notepad and you trade stamps. I was really excited to get this assignment and tomorrow morning I'm meeting a man who is trying to make letterboxing more popular. He's taking the photographer and I on a hunt, so I got us each our own stamps. In between the assignments I also met with my editor/supervisor to evaluate the internship so far. We were both really happy with how things have gone so far and will meet one more time towards the end of the internship to do a final evaluation. I went to yoga and went stamp shopping and now I'm ready to sleep. I won't let the next post take so long.
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