75 is the number of years the Kitsap Sun has been around. Today the office was filled with balloons and there were lots of things going on to celebrate the anniversary. There was even a special anniversary section which has given me some ideas for Island Waves. Despite all the fun stuff going on there was still work to do, because of course, newspapers never sleep. I called people multiple times to set up interviews and someone said I was persistent. I took it as a compliment. I did all the research for my articles and got my questions ready and left for the day. I had 2 hours until my interview, so I hung out at the house. My interview was really great and the guy was very nice. Tomorrow morning I'm interviewing Ulvis Alberts! He's a famous photographer who took pictures of Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix, Cher,and tons more. I have to take a picture of him tomorrow and I'm a little intimidated. I'll have to ask him for some pointers.
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