I was happy to get some sun today when I went to a Chris-Craft boat festival. The photographer and I took the foot ferry to Port Orchard and walked around the marina for a couple of hours, talking to different boat owners and touring different boats. Some of the owners were really sweet and had fun stories to tell about their boating adventures. I went back to the office and wrote the article, wrapping up my 4th week at the paper! It's been exactly one month since I left Texas and every time my thoughts wandered they went straight to Marcy and James. I can't believe I haven't seen them in so long. Even though we call and text and send pictures back and forth, it's not the same as actually being with them, obviously. I miss them so much and even typing this makes my eyes water. Thankfully, this first month has flown and has been an amazing experience. I still have more than half of my internship left and I can't wait to see what else I'll be doing this summer. I also can't wait to get back to Texas and hug my brother and sister.
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