I settled up my debts with Bremerton courts today and paid the parking ticket I got a few weeks ago. I figured it might be a good idea to leave on a good note, in case I decide to come back. This afternoon Meegan, my favorite photographer who will soon be reading this, and I went to the Kitsap Patriots Tea Party picnic. It was my first Tea Party event and it was very interesting. I especially enjoyed laughing at the person wearing the Nobama countdown costume. I was nervous that people wouldn't want to talk to me, but everyone was eager to answer my questions and ask me their own. One man asked if I was married, when I said no, he asked if I had a boyfriend. He was also wearing a VIetnam Veteran hat, which is just my type. I listened to the speakers, talked to people in the audience and got some footage for my video and was able to produce this masterpiece. When I checked my email tonight there was a really nice note from the editor of the paper commending the job I did on Molly's story. I've mentioned her in my last three posts and the article that will run next week is in my opinion, more proof of the impact Molly continues to make. While she has inspired hundreds of people to donate and take action in Haiti, she has also provided a learning experience for me. My 9th week is officially over, which means only one more at the Kitsap Sun. Have I mentioned how much I'm going to miss it?
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