One of the greatest satisfactions I have found in journalism has been seeing your story in print for the first time. It's always exciting to work on an assignment, track down people and information and then figure out a way to somehow convey everything you've learned and been told to your audience, but it's a little more exciting to hold the finished product in your hand and know that others are holding it too. That's how I felt this morning when I walked in the newspaper office and saw my article on the front page! Of course, the excitement was short-lived as I began working on my next assignments. After lots of research and phone calls, I set up interviews for 2 of my 3 assignments. The first one is tomorrow morning and I'll be visiting the home of a local pianist to talk to her sons about being hired by ballet companies in Paris and Germany! Next Tuesday I'm going to a llama sanctuary! My assignments are exciting so far and I'm anxious to start writing. Today I was also able to play around with some cameras and take a few practice shots, since I'll be taking pictures of the boys I'm interviewing tomorrow. The coolest thing I got to do today was visit the police station with the crime reporter and go through a stack of police reports. We looked for things that caught our attention and I wrote 2 briefs for the Thursday paper. When I came home today I was thinking that despite living with a really cool family and working with a really great staff, I haven't actually met anyone to hang out with yet. So, I'm going to start finding things to do in my spare time and hopefully make a friend!
Nice to see your byline. Miss ya!