Yesterday was the first time I missed a blog, but it was for a good reason! I got to work early and edited my reptile video. It was annoying when I forgot to save at one point and it deleted everything, but I learned my lesson really quickly and was happy with the final product. I started working on my next assignments and then left to pick up Tina at the airport! I was so happy to see her, it was like a piece of home. We talked the whole drive back to Bremerton and she got to meet my summer family. We got dinner and then went to the movie theater to watch Eclipse at midnight, don't judge us. The movie was so good, but we were dead tired when we got home. This morning I went to the newspaper office and started working on an article about tattoo and body regulations. I called every tattoo shop in Bremerton but only one would talk to me. I also talked to the state representative and the senator that worked to pass the bill. During my lunch break I picked Tina up and dropped her at the ferry to Seattle so she could site-see. I went back to work and actually went to the tattoo shop that would talk to me and watched as the owner tattooed a customers forearm. After I was done for the day I picked Tina up and now we're deciding what to do for the rest of the night.
Reptile man video